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Academic works

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Devine S, Bautista Perpinyà M, Delrue V, Gaillard S, Jorna T, van der Meer M, Millet L, Pozzebon C, Visser J. ‘Science Fails. Let’s Publish.’ Journal of Trial and Error. https://doi.org/10.36850/ed1.

Burgos DF, Cussó L, Sánchez-Elexpuru G, Calle D, Bautista Perpinyà M, Desco M, Serratosa JM, Sánchez MP. ‘Structural and Functional Brain Abnormalities in Mouse Models of Lafora Disease.’ International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020; 21(20):7771. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms21207771.

Book reviews

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Bautista Perpinyà, M. & Pence, C. H. (2023): ‘David Sepkoski’s Catastrophic Thinking’, BJPS Review of Books. https://www.thebsps.org/reviewofbooks/perpinya-pence-on-sepkoski/.

Oral communications

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Speaker, 7th Biennial Conference of the European Rural History Organisation (EURHO), Coimbra (Portugal), September 2025

Speaker, International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB), Porto (Portugal), July 2025


reading, listening, and reading. A collective walk on how we read and listen to the environment, history, and each other.

‘Reading, listening, and reading’ is an interactive installation in the form of a collective walk around sound devices. Conference participants hear the voices of fellow colleagues in environmental history (and neighbouring fields) speaking of their intimate practices of reading and listening. We will hear how they read a source, read a colleague’s book, actively listen to a witness, or read changes and conflicts in the landscape. The collection of voices is embedded in a mixed-media dispositif: voices, texts, images, and diagrams will serve to create a warm and sensorial space. The guiding thread is to explore how what we read in our environment is mediated by the variety of reading practices themselves. This installation is a proof of concept on how artistic practices can serve as methodologies in the ambition to re-think how we share our research beyond conventional academic formats.

This installation has been developed by Brussels-based duo: Alicia Jeannin (spoken-word audiovisual artist, performer and scenographer) and Max Bautista Perpinyà.

logoEU Our installation was first presented at the 4th World Congress of Environmental History in Oulu (Finland), 19-23 August 2024 https://wceh2024.com/. It was awarded the European Union’s Culture Moves Europe mobility grant.


Speaker, 9th PhD Conference in History of Science and Humanities, Soeterbeeck Abbey, April 20-21.


Speaker, 10th conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Brussels, September 7-10.

Speaker, III Congreso de la Red Española de Historia Ambiental de España, Granada, May 11-13.


Speaker, British Society for the History of Science, Online, July 13.

Invited speaker, Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, Online, February 2.


Speaker, Descartes Centre for the History and Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, Utrecht, October 29.

Invited speaker, Universidad Técnica de Manabí, IV Conveción Científica Internacional, Online, October 20.

Panellist, Open Publishing Fest, Online, May 25.

Invited speaker and panellist, University of Bern, Early-Career Swiss Society for Neuroscience, Bern, February 21.

Invited speaker, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Open Science Community RproducibiliTea meeting, Rotterdam, February 12.


Invited speaker, Cambridge University, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, July 19.


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Blogpost (2021). “Online conferences won’t do it. Instead of ‘sustainable’ academic history, we need engaged historians working less and collaborating with activists”, Sustainable Academia seires, Next Generation Action Team (NEXTGATe), European Society for Environmental History and Historians for Future.

Interview (2020). “JOTE in conversation with researchers: Daniël Lakens. Whose fault is it that science is irreproducible? And who the heck are metascientists?Journal of Trial and Error.

Blogpost (2020). “Open Science Symposium – Starting off with the Natural Sciences.Blog: the Road to Open Science, Open Science Community Utrecht.

Editorial, with Martijn van der Meer (2019). “Are we facing a bigger monster? The Journal of Trial and Error visits Cambridge.Journal of Trial and Error.

Blogpost (2020). “Holanda Abierta.” Post in blog of association ‘Científicos Españoles en los Países Bajos/Spanish Scientists in the Netherlands (CENL/SWNL)’.